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Jan 30, 2025

Collecting Rocks

We all have a collection of rocks. Some are pretty, well-shaped, hold fond memories, or come from nice places. Others are rough, jagged fragments, acquired through hardship or misfortune. They vary in size and weight, and each can either anchor us or propel us forward.

We carry these rocks with us everywhere we go. For better or worse, we bring them along because they're all we have. They’re the tangible pieces of our journey, capturing our experiences and shaping our perspectives. Often, we need to pause and look at our collection to remember who we are and where we've come from. Yet, we sometimes forget that we even have a collection, becoming lost and exhausted by the weight they possess.

Over the years, our collection inevitably grows heavier, constrained by the finite space within us. Eventually, we must decide which rocks to keep and which to let go. The lightest and most cherished are to remain with us, as they spark joy and remind us of the goodness in our lives. Others may have lost their luster but still hold meaning—so it's up to us to decide if they're worthy of a spot in our collection. The rest must be left behind, either abandoned where they lie or thrown far, far away.

The heavy rocks have forged our strength; the beautiful ones have brightened our days; the rough ones have honed our resilience; and the ones that have traveled far did so because we, too, have traveled far. In the end, we hope that when we are old, we can lay out our collection, dust it off, and smile—reminded of a life fully lived.